SportREcognized Association Invites International and National Federations take part in

SRE New Sport Games 2021!

We appreciate very much your efforts and success in today’s World of Sport, and  in order to develop and provide more possibilities for your sport, we think now is the right time for you to consider joining the SportREccognized Association– SRE.
  • SRE wants to be a voice for all International Sport Federations that are not under GAIFS or IOC.
  • We want to solve the sport recognition problem that most of International Sport Federations have.
  • We want to grow and do things in a smart way.

For that reason we decided to start a new format of Sports Games called:  The New Sports Games (NSG), where all SRE members, International Sport Federations and other invited sports, will meet in a fabulous event to showcase and demonstrate the beauty, variety and benefits of their sports.



September 2021,  during the European Week of Sport.

Vienna. Details will follow.
As the host city for the NSG is to be Vienna it was also decided to hold our 2019 General Assembly there. This will take place in Vienna on August 31 2019 the venue will be announced later. At the General Assembly session there will be more information about the NSG, and we will look forward to being able to welcome new members of the SRE.
Please contact us to find out more about SRE, General Assembly and the New Sports Games 2021.
We look forward to hearing from you soon